Friday, August 20, 2010

Why We Ride Recommended as a Beach Read

Beach books by and for animal

Why We Ride is a collection of 27 short essays by women who are both writers and riders. Best-selling author Jane Smiley leads the way, in a story that ends with: "It's time to give them some credit for having an inner life, and past time to study it." Needless to say, she's talking about horses.

Smiley's introductory essay perfectly sets the scene for the writers that follow, and each gives ample credit to horses for having an inner life and for having profoundly affected their own inner lives.

Some of the women speak of insights garnered about marriage from being around horses. Some write about the way horses changed the way they dealt with their fathers. All talk about being better people -- better women -- because of horses.

Click here for the link to the article.